Music Questions! 1. What are you listening to right now, if anything? not listening to music, but i'm listening to dndads rn!! 2. What's the last song you listened to completely? boy toy by ricky montgomery :)) 3. What is your favorite song? i can never pick a favourite of all time but rn i'd say that my favourite song is boy toy by ricky montgomery :)) 4. Are there any songs that can or have made you cry? MY GOD. JULIA BY REEDER MAKES ME CRY EVERY SINGLE TIME. MY HEART SHATTERS 5. Do you have a shower playlist? nope! i just listen to musicals, usually 6. What about a bedtime playlist? nope! when trying to sleep, i usually play a youtube video on my tv or something 7. Have any guilty pleasure bands or songs? not really? idrk what that would mean ;-; 8. What's one song or band you used to like but now dislike? theres one song that i used to listen to when i felt shitty but listening to it brings back bad feelings so i don't listen to it anymore lmao. fully don't remember what it's called or who made it tho 9. What's one song or band you used to dislike but now like? i don't think i have any ??? not rly sure 10. Do you sing along when you listen to music you like? literally always omfg ----------------------------------------------------- survey taken from: